Belgian charity distributes "survival packs" to New York homeless women
BRUSSELS, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- A Belgian charity that has developed a "survival pack" to protect homeless women has started to expand abroad with a distribution in New York.
Corvia, a not-for-profit association based in Brussels, handed out a first batch of 40 kits in the U.S. city in early September and plans to return next year to distribute fold-up shelters, a representative of the Belgian organisation told Xinhua News Agency on Thursday.
The compact kit for women contains first aid supplies, a city map, self-defense alarm, pepper spray, a whistle, torch and binoculars to identify vehicle licence plates or faces from a distance.
Also included is a form for the user to complete with their name and family or friend contact details, and an information card with local phone numbers for emergency services, charities such as the Red Cross and a suicide prevention helpline.
Corvia representative Marlene Mulkens, who herself spent several years homeless on the streets of Belgium, told Flemish newspaper Het Nieuwsblaad: "Make no mistake, women are harassed at every turn. They have a much harder life than homeless men."
She said the charity has handed out 200 survival kits to homeless women in the Belgian capital Brussels and a further 50 in the north Belgian city of Antwerp.
Mulkens added: "My friend texted me after the first success of the kits (in Belgium) and talked about London, Berlin and Manhattan. First I laughed, then I realized that I had a contact in New York. I spoke to them, and moments later there was an invitation in my email."
The distribution in New York was organized by Corvia in conjunction with women's organization MWI International and the New York City Rescue Mission, a charity which Mulkens said was "very enthusiastic" about the concept.
She said handing out 40 kits was "a drop in the ocean" - but it has inspired the rescue mission in New York to assemble its own survival packs so that other women can benefit.
Corvia hopes to return to the city next year to hand out collapsible tents to provide winter shelter for the homeless. Each tent weighs less than 4kg and can sleep up to four people.
The homeless charity has organized headline-grabbing campaigns in Belgium in recent years, including a "Miss Homeless" beauty pageant.
More recently, the organization set up a "love room" where homeless couples can spend an intimate moment together in safety and in private.