Back to New York City
Here we go again ;-)
Back To New York City (2016)
Senator Petra De Sutter & Social Activist Marlène Mulkens. (Groen Belgium)
Travel to NYC to launch a social project.
"The Homeless-Tipi's". Tents for the homeless people in NYC.
In collaboration with VZW Corvia, MWI International and The Homeless Shelter, NYC Rescue Mission.
Website VZW Corvia :
Website MWI International :
Website NYC Rescue Mission :
VZW Corvia - De 1€ Actie MWI International NYC Rescue Mission
Mathilde Pelsers, Aline Duportail Naomi Horne, Syndee Keitt
#MarleneMulkens, #HomelessTipis, #MWIInternational, #VZWCorvia, #NYCRescueMission, #NYC, #GroenDistrictAntwerpen.